Ok I have a slight problem I think.
I am applying for a mortgage for an affordable home. I have gone through a broker and accepted all their advice/recommendations.
I earn a pretty good salary, but considering current climate I do not want to overstretch myself.
I have 2 loans (car loan with credit union + bank loan for college fees). I was advised to declare my bank loan but as my CU loan is not on my ICB, I should leave it off and this would allow more leeway with the bank. As a result, I was approved for about 200k or thereabouts. This is way more than I need, and as I only want a one bed (I know more difficult to sell, but this is just about getting foot on the ladder cheaply) I reckon I only need about 130k. I asked broker to reduce AIP to 160k (the max I feel i can afford) which would allow me a bit of choice (hopefully), but I still plan to go for the cheapest option available.
The bank have approved again, but they want clarity about a 11k lodgement into my account (my CU loan!). The broker said to leave it with her and she'd see what she could come up with. I don't like lying anyway, and I felt letting them know originally would give them more accurate view.
Any suggestions as to what I could claim this money was for? If I said it was gift from parents would they dig any deeper?
Should I just get them to re-do AIP, or will the fact that I have omitted info be a massive problem now?
Besides all that IMO the fact they would give 200k with a loan already shows the banks have learnt nothing!
Feeling v stressed about the whole thing now![]()
I agree with the above - come clean, and tell the bank what you were advised.
I used to work as a mortgage underwriter dealing soley with applications referred from brokers. Believe me, the bank will know what they are like. From my own experience, we used to take anything said by the broker with a pinch of salt as, at the end of the day we knew they were just hungry for their commission (not all brokers obviously - but we could spot the difference). On that basis, we would look at the clients supporting documentation (bank statements / loans etc) which had to be provided as per Bank policy and come to our own conclusions / dig deeper. We were by no means "lead" into lending the money by the broker. I came across a number of instances where customers didn't declare loans but "caught them out" either through a large lump sum deposit on the statement, a monthly direct debit from the account to another bank or on ICB. any underwriter with a bit of cop on will be well used to this and I don't think your application will be dismissed as a result. The lender will just have to take this debt into account when calculating your qualifying amount. €11k won't make too much of a difference.
Grace80 - tyour comments are interesting. When you or your co-workers spotted an obvious attempt to hide existing loans or to inflate income figures - would you still deal with that customer based on the true figures or would you refuse them a loan? Also - if certain brokers were known to be lying or encouraging clients to lie - would they keep their relationship with the lender and continue to refer borrowers - or would they be no longer allowed to refer borrowers to you? Did any brokers ever get reported to the Regulator?