Mortgage break


Registered User
Hi, just a query re taking a mortgage break. My husband and I have 7yrs left on our mortgage. We would love to take a 3mth break to do a few things around the house. I just contacted Bank of Ireland and said I wanted to take the break to catch up on bills( not true), she told me 'no' that breaks were for things like covering maternity breaks, kid goin to university etc.... She was quite cutting and told me I needed to speak to arrears team. We are not in arrears and have no loans.any ideas how I could proceed?
Mortgage breaks are generally reserved for those in financial difficulties unless they are a particular feature of your mortgage type. It was different years ago, it was much easier get a break for various reasons now all requests like that are presumed to be for people experiencing financial difficulties such as the examples she gave. The bank really is not inclined to give them otherwise. I imagine her lack of sympathy to your request (which she shouldn't have shown but sometimes it's hard) comes from dealing day in day out with people in distress due to lost jobs, serious arrears etc who really really need these breaks and even then it can be hard get them. That's my guess anyway.
Thanks for reply, I know we were told we could have 3 in the lifetime of the mortgage. We have taken one before in 2007, without difficulty.
Typical BoI style dealing with a customer in my experience.
They really are arrogant and often unhelpful.
Seems to be part of their organizational culture which I presume comes from the top...