Mortgage Break/payment holiday ?

Anna Lucia

Registered User
Hi, I am about to go on maternity leave for 6 months (our earnings have already substantialy droped since aquiring mortgage in 2006) We are not in arears or anything, we have applied for a mortgage break during the mat leave as money will be tighter again, we recieved loads of forms from certus completed them and returned, and explained our intention during mortgage break is to use the money to clear smaller debts thus reducing all monthly outgoings for when payment break is up. We have tracker rate ECB = 1.25. Im am so nervous awaiting a reply & just wondering if anybody can shed some light on the criteria involved or whether or not we may get the break.
Difficult to say without more info and insight into this specific bank's policies on such matters. However in general I would expect a lender to prefer a borrower to pay something rather than nothing especially these days - for example you ask for a payment break and they counter with the offer of reduced payments or interest only. However at lot depends on your specific circumstances - e.g. if, while things may be tighter, you could still realistically afford to pay most or all of the mortgage while also servicing other debts and meeting regular outgoings. In short - no easy answer I'm afraid.
Thanks for reply club Man. I will just wait with patiently for the postman over the next few weeks. Fingers Crossed! We were going to ask for interest only for the 6 months but as we have the tracker rate and only paying ECB +1.25% interest is very low perhaps they will counter offer with this.