I posted here about a year ago, and got some good replies.. (you can read back on the post if you wish
negative equity, 3 kids, 2 rooms. low income)
Since then my husband has stayed working, Ive gone back 4 days, we are paying €880 to the crèche and we are really struggling to pay the mortgage.
Ive restructured my bank loan, and my credit union loan, we paid off the Credit card, overdraft with the bank loan and have taken it out over a longer term, we have reduced payments with Credit union, and have reduced everywhere else we can.
We are really still struggling with the mortgage, we did reduced payments for 3 months and Interest only for 3 months, we thought we would be fine when we came off the Interest only but we aren't, our repayments have now gone up because if the IO period.. we are on a tracker now after coming off a fixed rate last year.
We are thinking of approaching the lender and trying to come to some arrangement, we just can't keep being stressed like this, it's really affecting our relationship as my husband feels he should be able to provide more, we aren't entitled to any social welfare payments, and just don't know where to turn.
Should we try sell the house? I just want rid of it now, can't take the pressure of the whole lot.. we are now about 4 months in arrears (taking into account all the interest only)
Sorry the post is so long