Mortgage Arrears/Split mortgage


Registered User
Just looking for a little bit of advice. We are 5k in arrears with an ebs mortgage. We bought in 2007 and have keep up all repayments till we got into trouble last year. We have personal debt and my partner took a 10k drop in her job. We were on interest only for 6 months but that done us no good as we fell futher behind. We have been paying about 75% of the motgage a month for the last 6 months. After the interest only time was up we applied again to see if we could get a split mortgage or something to help us in the short term till we got the personal debt sorted. After almost 6 months waiting for the ebs to get back to us they said NO. Thats the short answer. They told us to pay the mortgage and dont bother with the other debt! We want to pay what we owe but are on our knee's. We have 20 business days to reply to the letter. All we would need is 3 years ans we are debt free apart from the mortgage. Any advice to what to say or not to say in the reply to them. By the way we have no savings and we filled in there forms to tell them what comes into the house a week.
Hi There themaninred,

I have been dealing with EBS about our situation since March!! We have been approved for a split mortgage. The approval came thru the end of July, so it took 5mths for them to come to this offer. I think you should fill out the case study as Brendan suggested, so we can see your situation clearly.
There is a split loan calculator somewhere on this site also which will help you see if you can realistically afford a split loan.
The only thing I can say to you is that you need to be firm with them on the phone/email/letter.... Thru out my dealings with them I must have dealt with 15-20 different staff members until I spoke to a manager about the terrible customer service I was receiving and I then used that manager as my contact from then on.
Have your repayments been consistant for the last 8-12mths?? I think this is a big factor in the decision.
They did also advise us me that the mortgage is there concern and should be your priority(I think they said they would contact other institutes to notify them that the mortgage takes priority)......
Thanks for the info. Im not putting up personal info like that on any site. But thanks again.