Mortgage Arrears and Repossession


Registered User
I have 2 mortgages and 1 is in arrears due to tenant not paying.
I emigrated about 2 years ago for greener pasture.I am doing ok abroad presently and I was sending money monthly to pay the mortgages in my first year abroad.This year I decided against that as it was creating hardship for me here.As a result one of the mortgages is now in arrears about 10,000 Euros.
The bank just sent me a letter that I foreclose voluntarily or they will start proceedings.The mortgage is about 320,000 while the hose valued at less than 200,000.
My problem is if I decided to find money to pay up the arrears,will I be able to sustain sending money every month to pay because the rent is even about 500euro short for even interest only not to talk of capital + rent.
Will it be advisable for me to hand over the 2 mortgages as I believe the negative equity will be added on the second mortgage after sale and I will end up with same problem.
What will also be the implication after voluntary foreclosure considering shortfall expected after sale?
Is it the same bank? Are both properties in NE, if yes, then there is no point a bank going after the second property if property one is sold with a shortfall. Any chance of some proper details on the properties, term, rate, rent, etc.
Yes,both are with KBC,rent for 1 in Dublin is 950E while the interest only payment is 1,300E;One outside Dublin-rent is 425E while the full mortgage pay is 850E.Both are in Negative equity.
Thanks Bronte