Mortgage approval


Registered User
Hi just a quick question myself and my wife got approval in principle a few months ago found a house,made offers and got offer accepted.
Went to bank 2weeks ago filled out mortgage application and just heard yesterday that the bank have sent out a values.
My question is does the fact that they have sent valuer mean that it's very likely they have decided to give us the mortgage approval as they would hardly waist time and money on a valuer if they where not happy with our application,stress test and so on.
It's hard to tell and don't want to get too excited its with ulster bank as we'll if anyone has any experience with how it works with the underwriters please let us know
Yes, most probably that is going to be the case. Though no authorized person have ever agreed to that most of the people still take senting out of values as a confirmation of the fact that they have agreed to our terms.
Hi Ian. You already have an approval in principle. While this is not a full sanction it does indicate that the Bank will be satisfied to approve a mortgage up to the amount of the SIP provided that the house value is satisfactory and your documentation does not contradict any previous information provided.
Hi Ian

The approval in principal is as much an indication as anything and provided your circumstances havent changed much and you filfilled any of the special criteria on the letter of offer then you should be ok. The valuer doesnt mean much. You have to pay for the vauation yourself so its not exactly any sort of commitment from the bank, its just part of the process.