Mortgage approval for other people posted to our address


Registered User
I just opened the post, and there was an envelope for people I have never heard of (could only see the address in the clear envelope so assumed it was for us). If I had been able to see the name obviously would not have opened it and put it back in the post. However, now that I have opened it am very worried.

We bought this house three years ago, and the previous owners had it for 10 years from a new build and lived here all that time. The names on this document are not the previous owners.

In this envelope is mortgage approval for these unknown people for another property. Am concerned that our address is being used. Who should I contact? Its from ICS Building society and they refer to a mortgage broker.
It could be an honest mistake - you could contact the building society and ask them whats going on or you could close it up and stick it back in the post with 'not known at this address on it' - in which case it will go back to where it came from and they will be alerted to a problem.
On two separate occasions over the past 8 years I've received other people's mortgage approval letters along with correspondence to me from ICS. A call to their IFSC offices should put your mind to rest.
Just called them - they had just put the wrong number down against the house, a 2 instead of an 8. So relief. Thanks
There's a reason why this may happen occasionally. ICS refuse to give Approval in Principle letters unless there's a full application submitted for a specific property.

So to circumvent this, some brokers will submit an application to ICS for the required amount, using a made-up address as the true address of the property is not yet known. If you happen to live at this made-up address, you may get correspondence.