Mortgage approval and loan amount


Registered User
I applied for a mortgage recently along with my girlfriend who is in a contract role at the moment for the next 6 months. We got approval in principal based on my salary and savings and my girlfirends savings.

I was told that if I was on my own I would get a mortgage for approx 285k but as I have a partner not in full term employment they deem her as a dependant and have therefore reduced this figure to 200k. So we have this amount plus the savings. From looking at houses recently in the dublin area however its difficult to get anything decent as a family home for under 250k-275k as far as I can see so far in a nice area.

Would it be possible to go back to this bank or another bank with just myself as the main person seeking the mortgage approval and have my girlfriends savings included as a 'gift' so as to offset the issue of her being deemed a dependant?
I'd recommend waiting and seeing if your partner will be made permanent