Mortgage and Solicitor Fees all in one


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Does anyone know if it is possible to get my solicitor fees included in my mortgage.

what i mean is if the solicitor fees are 1500e
the mortgage is 250k

Do you think the bank would give me a mortgage for 251,500
Does anyone know if it is possible to get my solicitor fees included in my mortgage.

what i mean is if the solicitor fees are 1500e
the mortgage is 250k

Do you think the bank would give me a mortgage for 251,500

No. The Bank will only lend you a proportion of the house price - none of the extras. They take the view that if you have not saved the deposit and outlays that you may struggle with a mortgage.

The lender won't include legal fees as part of the mortgage.

I don't think lenders offer legal switching fees anymore but it might be worth enquiring ie if you are switching