Mortgage Allowance Scheme


Registered User
Hi, does anyone know how to pursuade the builder to fill in info required for mortgage allowance scheme. I have contacted the builder but he referred me back to the council. The council say I have to get this info from the builder. I contacted the builder and they do not want to supply me with the info. I feel like I'm going in circles here, would love some suggestions please.
It is the Department of the Environment in your local County Council that you need to deal with. Local town councils don't seem to know much about the M.A.S. and therefore they are not that helpful. If the builder does not wish to sign the app. form (which you obtain from the Dep. of Env.) then I would be a bit suspicious.
Hi everyone,
I finally got my form filled and sent to the department of environment in local council. I got a call back that it has to go to the council and they then foward on a following form to the dept of the Environment. What a run around. No one seems to really know who it goes to and what happens with the form now. The lady from the dep of the Environment was lovely but fustration is making me fruity. Does anyone know anythng else about the scheme and how to get it to someone who knows what to do with it. I would love some advice!