Spouse’s/Partner's age:
Annual gross income from employment or profession:
Annual gross income spouse:
Type of employment:
Both Civil service
Rough estimate of value of home
Renting at 320 a month
Other borrowings – car loans/personal loans etc
Car Loan: 12,000 at 280 a month
Do you pay off your full credit card balance each month?
Pay in full
Savings and investments:
3000 Savings
Do you have a pension scheme?
Yes, (both of us)
Do you own any investment or other property?
Ages of children:
9 month old
Life insurance:
What specific question do you have or what issues are of concern to you?
We are renting from a family member currently but with a new baby we would like to have the security of our own home. Also, the house we rent is a small 2 bed and we have seen a very nice 3 bed bugalow which we like.
I have a few questions re. buying now or waiting...
*The house was on market for 490,000 and has recently dropped to 430,000...we were thinking of an offer around 350,000? This would be a ~30% drop of original price..not sure if this would be accepted as it is a big drop from what they are currently looking for so we were thinking of waiting 6 months before offering (while saving). My heart is set on this house but I know that we have to use our heads trying to say to myself why not offer 350,000 but to be prepared to walk away if not accepted
*Would we be mad to consider taking on a mortgage of 350,000, I am nervous about borrowing so much and being tied into such a big commitment. Are our earnings sufficient? (I am on a 3 day week so could go back to 5 which would see my income rise to 60k but as baby is still so young would prefer not to).
*As this would be our home, do the usual issues with negative equity apply? This is a bungalow on a nice estate, houses vary wildly in asking price (2 on market curently, one 650,00 the other nearer 1,000,000!!!?!). By nice estate I mean a quiet mature estate, near our commute roads, town a walk away etc...
Would love to hear some advice/ thoughts from anyone
Thank you
Spouse’s/Partner's age:
Annual gross income from employment or profession:
Annual gross income spouse:
Type of employment:
Both Civil service
Rough estimate of value of home
Renting at 320 a month
Other borrowings – car loans/personal loans etc
Car Loan: 12,000 at 280 a month
Do you pay off your full credit card balance each month?
Pay in full
Savings and investments:
3000 Savings
Do you have a pension scheme?
Yes, (both of us)
Do you own any investment or other property?
Ages of children:
9 month old
Life insurance:
What specific question do you have or what issues are of concern to you?
We are renting from a family member currently but with a new baby we would like to have the security of our own home. Also, the house we rent is a small 2 bed and we have seen a very nice 3 bed bugalow which we like.
I have a few questions re. buying now or waiting...
*The house was on market for 490,000 and has recently dropped to 430,000...we were thinking of an offer around 350,000? This would be a ~30% drop of original price..not sure if this would be accepted as it is a big drop from what they are currently looking for so we were thinking of waiting 6 months before offering (while saving). My heart is set on this house but I know that we have to use our heads trying to say to myself why not offer 350,000 but to be prepared to walk away if not accepted
*Would we be mad to consider taking on a mortgage of 350,000, I am nervous about borrowing so much and being tied into such a big commitment. Are our earnings sufficient? (I am on a 3 day week so could go back to 5 which would see my income rise to 60k but as baby is still so young would prefer not to).
*As this would be our home, do the usual issues with negative equity apply? This is a bungalow on a nice estate, houses vary wildly in asking price (2 on market curently, one 650,00 the other nearer 1,000,000!!!?!). By nice estate I mean a quiet mature estate, near our commute roads, town a walk away etc...
Would love to hear some advice/ thoughts from anyone
Thank you