In order to keep my house I have an option to have the property signed over to my name as ex partner wants out of mortgage.
The mortgage provider have agreed on paper to this..
Mortgage is currently 5 yr fixed @ 4.89%, and mortgage amount is €297K over 25 months...
It's alot to take on, I earn just over €60K...
I am hoping that the mortgage people will have some flexibility in this i.e. extend the mortgage to 30yrs and possibly go interest free until 5yr fixed is I have 2 yrs left on fixed rate...
Option is I take sole ownership of house/mortgage or property goes into repossession as ex partner not playing ball...
I am in negative equity, with the value of the house probably about €230K..
Should I walk away or try to negotiate a deal with mortgage provider.
This problem is ongoing for the last 14months...
Any advice?? Should I get professional financial advice before I make a decision?
The mortgage provider have agreed on paper to this..
Mortgage is currently 5 yr fixed @ 4.89%, and mortgage amount is €297K over 25 months...
It's alot to take on, I earn just over €60K...
I am hoping that the mortgage people will have some flexibility in this i.e. extend the mortgage to 30yrs and possibly go interest free until 5yr fixed is I have 2 yrs left on fixed rate...
Option is I take sole ownership of house/mortgage or property goes into repossession as ex partner not playing ball...
I am in negative equity, with the value of the house probably about €230K..
Should I walk away or try to negotiate a deal with mortgage provider.
This problem is ongoing for the last 14months...
Any advice?? Should I get professional financial advice before I make a decision?