Mortgage Advice & Recommendations (Cork)



Hi All,

Thinking of venturing into the housing market this year so as to take advantage of the interest relief before it’s abolished next year. That, along with the fact we’re paying 10k per anum in rent.

We’ve started looking at houses over the last couple of months and I’d now say we’ve a good idea of what we’d ideally like at a price we’d be comfortable to pay. Having spent a good few hours on I think we’d get qualify for a mortgage of about 310k (combined income of about 80k & around 40k in savings) but I’d like to speak to a broker and or bank at this stage to see the exact state of play. Feel free to let me know if I’m way off target on this assumption. seem to have some good recommendations but the fact they’re based in Dublin is off putting, depending on the postman to deliver paperwork (originals), and I just prefer the idea of dealing with someone local in case of complications during the process.

Can anyone recommend a good mortgage broker here in Cork, ideally someone you’ve had dealings with in the past.

Any help will be much appreciated