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My brother built a house here in Ireland when he was living in England and the olny mortage that he could get was a renter mortage ( i think that is what it is called).Now he has moved back to ireland and is living in the house he cannot claim back his tax relife on it and the way things are he is finding it very hard to restructure it.

Is there anyway that he can calim tax relife or is there anything he can do?
Re: Mortgage and Tax relief on self build

Never heard of a renter mortgage. Could you clarify the question ? Is he looking for tax relief at source (TRS) ? If so he needs to contact the TRS office in Limerick (I think). Try looking at the forms available [broken link removed] on the revenue website. I changed the title for clarity.
I think dymo means an investment mortgage (as he was living abroad) as opposed to a residential mortgage?
Yes it is an investment mortage as he was living abroad but is now living at home.
He should write to his bank confirming he is now living full time in the property and ask them to change the designation to home loan, then reapply to revenue.