Morning Ireland constantly giving out wrong time!


Registered User
The other moning they said it was 8.30. Lept from bed to find it was 7.30. Do they not posess a working clock!

I've noticed this happen a few times.

Not something I should get myself into a tizzy over but annoying non the less!
God, I nearly choked on that one yesterday morning!

I have commented here on more than one occasion about poor production values on RTÉ 1 Radio "Morning Ireland".

Audibly there is no "sound supervision" some mornings as the mike picks up all sorts of spurious noises (throat clearning, paper shuffling and even bored sighs and yawns) during telephone interviews.
Totally agree. I think the unintentional sound effects have gotten worse over time.
And the fact that the 8.30 news headlines are constantly missed because of some interview gone over time.

The attitude is .... we know we should have the 8.30 a.m. headlines but tough ye have to wait!
They have a "promo" on RTE radio and it says " its ALMOST 3 O Clock" or 4 or 5..and Im thinking my god,it must be 5 mins to 3/4/5.
But sometimes the "promo" is aired at 20 to 3/4/5...
Maybe its just me,but when I hear its almost a particular time,I wouldnt think I had 20 mins left.
@the Daras This drives me nuts too. I assume its a minute or so to 2 or 3. I think most people would think this way. There was another ad running for a few yrs that did take place around a minute to the hour.

On the MI issue, they have been getting the time wrong, nearly always by an hour, for years! If you ever look at the live broadcast, it looks like a fairly amateur operation.
One of the regular presenters has an annoying mumsy tone. Trying to sound cute with statements like “make sure the little ones are wrapped up well this morning”. I'm sure some people like this, but it grates on my ear - what's she think we'll do - send the kids out in shorts and tee-shirts when it's 2 degrees outside?

I think that out-of-place mumsyness is why she in particular mixes up the time so often, as instead of coming out with the exact time i.e seven thirty four, she for some reason thinks I need to simplify this for the poor liddle listeners so will say it’s coming up to – emmmmmm 25 minutes to emmm nine – no wait .. eight.

+ 1

I find the mumsyness very condesending.

Who is the more modern sounding guy with the quick one liners? I thought he was good at the start but his snide little digs are getting a bit tedious.
Stopped listening for that very reason,it wasnt the odd time either it was very other morning..I mean how difficult is it to read a clock and say the correct time simultaneously.

I used to lie there snoozing and nearly have a heart attack as one of the lightweights mismanaged this simple task...listen to Today FM now,no more jumping out of bed an hour earlier than I should.

Perhaps RTE management could buy them a speaking clock that they could press when a time check was necessary?removing the need for them to be involved in this often difficult challenging and onerous task.
Okay boys - hands up how many male professionals are posting to this thread - me.
Personally rather than relying on RTE for my wake up call I place my trust in the local church bells that ring out the Angelus at noon !
I actually like the sounds that filter in - makes the thing sound more human and less automated.