More laptop goodness from ALDI...


From tomorrow, see .
Seems to get an all-round thumbs-up from the tech-heads over on
(is that too many hyphens in a single sentence..? )
Link doesn't work and no mention of a laptop on the Aldi site. Maybe they're all sold out?

Observer said:
Link doesn't work and no mention of a laptop on the Aldi site. Maybe they're all sold out?

It may have been pulled, they released them in Australia (first) last week and all hell broke loose because they kept locking up in use, the Touchpad driver is faulty and there are heat/noise issues and Medion admitted this Touchpad issue to the Aussies since . Aldi have never released a ****e computer yet so I'll forgive them the one .

Have a look at this rather long thread here

Manure hits fan when user Whiler contributes and other replicate or experience the problem described by Whiler about half way down the thread and onwards.

Do not buy if you know nothing about device drivers. !!!!
Re: Aldi...

etel said:
Do not buy if you know nothing about device drivers. !!!!
In my experience - do not buy a computer at all if you know nothing about device drivers! PCs are still far from being turnkey consumer devices and may never be given their flexibility. I spend a good chunk of my time doing system admin for my own gear and for the rest of the family who don't really have a clue about drivers, Windows Updates, virus checkers/firewalls/adware checkers etc... I sometimes wonder how some people ever get/keep their PCs running.
Re: Aldi...

ClubMan said:
In my experience - do not buy a computer at all if you know nothing about device drivers! PCs are still far from being turnkey consumer devices and may never be given their flexibility. I spend a good chunk of my time doing system admin for my own gear and for the rest of the family who don't really have a clue about drivers, Windows Updates, virus checkers/firewalls/adware checkers etc... I sometimes wonder how some people ever get/keep their PCs running.

I would imagine a good proportion of the PC buying public know nothing about device drivers but I'm sure it keeps a lot of the Customer Service people in their jobs.
Well I can tell you that I do not have a clue about computers. All I know is how to switch on and get on the Internet. Anything else is foreign. This computer I bought from Tesco last Xmas and thank goodness it only went wrong once. The helpline organised for it to go somewhere to be looked at ( dont know where) The courier came and took it away and it came back fixed.

I dont even know where to go to learn about the technical side of things. Its like a car, start it up and it goes!
Swallows said:
I dont even know where to go to learn about the technical side of things.
Well there are loads of websites where you can learn about PCs etc. if you are so inclined.