More animal cruelty


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Did anyone see the terible photo of the poor little dog who was beaten to death with a hurley. Picture is in today's Sun and I'm still so upset over it. Such a gorgeous little thing and the offender was thirteen. What kind of a child would have it in them to do this. What are we coming to in this country.
I didnt see it but can only assume that somewhere in that child's 13 years, events in its life have brought it to the conclusion that such behaviour is acceptable or otherwise normal. One might fear as to what that child will progress to next.
Something told me not to click on this post and now I am very upset. I have no time for anybody (adult or child) who inflicts needless cruelty on a defenceless animal. 13 years old is old enough to know better. No excuses. I would be ashamed of my life if anybody I knew did anything like that.

Same as that horrific case in England at the moment with the two evil brothers who abused two other boys. Terrible story.
I agree with MandaC - I also believe that people who are cruel to animals should be treated far more harshly by law. Someone who is capable of this level of violence and cruelty at age 13 has something seriously wrong with them, what will it progress to as the child grows up if they are not punished and treated for whatever mental abnormality that could allow them to do such an horrendous thing?

Future criminal (violent crime against people) in the making.
there's no proper penalisation of animal cruelty in this country. the penalties need to be seriously reviewed and made harsher in my view. look at the states where they have armed dedicated animal cruelty police officers and people do real jail terms. i remember reading a story of a guy in cork a few years back who beat a horse so severely trying to get it into a horse box that he broke the animals back...his penalty??? a few hundred euros fine....what a joke.
A future Ted Bundy in the making.

Agree completely. Reading about this makes me sick to the stomach. I watched a documentary years ago about studies in America on this. For anyone interested in psychology, this is worth reading.

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Similar...Seen the pic of the swan yesterday in the daily star with the arrow stuck in its neck... they dont know who done it....thankfully swan ok and was treated...very upsetting story that people do these things
I was walking my dogs early on sat morning in a spot where everyone walks their dogs, I tend to go early so as to avoid others so I can let them off the lead without worry. It's a grassy walk over burrows beside a beach, quite remote. On the way back I'm always conscious to put the dogs back on lead if anyone is approaching. There is one blind corner and I came upon a woman walking her 2 westies with what I can only deem to be her son. Both I and them only managed to get 1 dog each on the lead and the other 2 dogs had a go. The son went mental (mid 30's so well an adult) and picked up a stick and started hitting my dog, on realising this wasn't causing an impact i.e. hurting the dog he threw the stick and started viciously kicking my dog. At this stage her dogs were both with her. I nearly lost my life, he was so vicious, I was screaming at him that they were just puppies (8 month old border collies, not aggresive dogs) but he was roaring abuse at me. My dog was whelping, got back on his feet and couldn't put his forepaw down. They stormed off still shouting at me. The scariest thing of all was what sprang to my mind was it was clearly not the first time he took his boot to something and I'm pretty sure it hasn't always been an animal. I'll never forget it, my dog is ok, I'm not.
Kitten, if I were you I would report that incident to the local guards. Thats absolutely disgraceful, I would be pressing charges if possible (can you press charges against someone for abusing your dog?).
As with everyody else, this sickens me, anybody that can do harm to a defenseless animal should be severly punished and have their heads tested :mad: