Moral Dilemma Regarding Laser Card



Ok this is really really weird and not sure what to do, sorry if its in wrong place but more traffic here.

Bought a really expensive item in a shop last week, had to give my name and address for warranty, just had enough on my laser card. Went home with product checked my online banking and there was €2 left in account. So that was grand other then fact i've to go get one more item this weekend that i had paid for but they hadn't got in stock.

So today i went and check my online banking and was shocked to see balance. I had my weeks wages and amount i'd paid for items last week. Went through the statement and checked to see what had happened and no record of this money leaving my account but there was a charge for my card for year of €5. It looks to me like bank cancelled the laser card transaction because i would of been €3 overdrawn.

This just seems stupid to me. What should i do? Leave it as it is and see what happens or ring up store and ask them to process card again.
Relax !

The LASER transaction will likely re-appear. When you paid for the item with your card, the bank 'booked' the funds from your account for a number of days, until the shop submitted the transaction for settlement.

If the shop is delayed in getting in the transaction for settlement, the bank will 'unbook' those funds - but the transaction from the shop could yet arrive and your balance will be reduced - for keeps.
its just weird that the bank took out the money and then put it back in. They've done it to be before on bills(direct debits) where i hadn't got enough money and they took it out but put it back the following day as i'm not allowed to be overdrawn on this account. This was ok coz once i had money i would go down and pay bill. They've never done it on a laser card transaction

Kinding hoping they dont take it out again as then i've have got item for free.
It happens all the time with . Funds will often return for a day or so but they will debit them a few days later. They are not very fast but they will get you in the end.
I would say that it is very very rare that a Laser transaction never appears at all,
Lots of posts here about transactions appearing in your account months later.
The system still depends on human interaction a lot.

I thought I had been scammed recently, when a new transaction for €66 reduced
my balance by €666. It was repaired by the next morning, before I even has a
chance to ring the bank to sort it out.
from reading your post . is it only a dilemma because the shop has your name and address? and if they had'nt it would'nt be!