Monitor response times


Registered User
I was looking at some monitor specifications and some are listed as having a response time of 5ms and some as 8ms.

As I'm not sure what these times are which is generally better, 5ms or 8ms?

Faster is better but you may not notice the difference between 5 amd 8ms. Google for reviews and technical analyses of monitors for more on this.
Thanks ClubMan.

As I'm not too sure what way these measurements work, I presume the measurement of 5ms is faster than the 8ms.

Would this be correct?
If you're using it as a PC monitor, then either 5 or 8 should be fine. When LCD monitors came out first, response times were 20ms or greater which was fine for wordprocessing but any fast motion would leave blurring/streaking, or in other words not good for games or watching DVDs.