MoneyFish - Irish Money Comparison site



Hi Folks,

My friend Kevin and I have just launched a new money comparison website for the Irish market we currently cover the four main products, 1) Credit Cards, 2) Current Accounts, 3) Loans & 4) Savings and we’ll be adding more products and functionality like forums and calculators at a later stage like mortgages etc., but just to get the site out there we focused on the basics. We have strived to keep the site as simple as possible.

We’d love to hear your feed back good or bad!


Peter &
I think that the idea is good, but the delivery is poor.

I appreciate that you might need advertising to fund the site, but you should not have an ad incorporated within the list. It will not be obvious to everyone that this is an advertiser. They will see it at the top of the list and think it's a best buy.

Not everyone will notice that you can sort by price. The default sort should be by price, putting the best buy at the top of the table.

As it's a Best Buys list, you should include only about 5 in each category.

It doesn't seem to have any original content. It's all taken from the Financial Regulator.

And where is the comparison for mortgages? That is the biggest expenditure most people have and where they can save the most money.

On the credit card comparison section, you should have some details of balance transfer offers - e.g. introductory rate, how long it lasts, etc.
It doesn't seem to have any original content. It's all taken from the Financial Regulator.
It's just an exact copy of itsyourmoney data -
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Moneyfish comparison

Hi, does anyone know if the moneyfish website is an up to date source of credit card rates? Have checked a couple of them against the banks own websites and they seem at odds with the rates?