money sent to wrong-invalid IBAN


Registered User
Ok please tell me there is a way around this. I have given my aunt my IBAN so she can send me some money. Now this is the thing. My first card I got from Barclays I never received so they cancelled it and they issued a new one. I still had the old letter though and gave an IBAN with the old cards details if this makes sense. I'm guessing the details of my old card are not someone elses new details right? I'm hoping the money didn't go to someone else?? I just called me aunt and she will contact her bank but I'm just stressing as its all my fault.

Any advice?
An IBAN is basically a long number containing your account code and your sort code. Therefore it is not linked to your card number but to your account. So changing cards will not change your IBAN.
This is an Irish consumer site. Dealing with banks in the UK may be different to how we operate but I agree. An IBAN for a top-up on rechargeable credit card being incorrect can't be corrected by sending a new card AFAIK.

The initiator of the transaction, your aunt, will I believe need to raise a query with the bank she lodged the money with.