If I stop contributing to my pension is it likely (I know no one can can confirm) that I could get to a pension pot of 700 or 800k?
A 3.83%* return net of fees will result in a pension pot of €800,000 in 2046 (assuming a normal retirement age of 65 years). How does that sound to you? What kind of historic annualized performance has the pension fund delivered? How is your pension invested (i.e. what's the rough allocation to equities, fixed income, property, cash etc)?
However, it's worth noting that €800k in 2046 money is equivalent to c.€517k in today's money (assuming 2% inflation).
I may be made redundant soon and if I got 100k should I take 40k from savings and pay off half the mortgage ?
What are your future employment prospects?
How long do you intend to be looking for a new role?
Will it be at a similar salary?
Have you determined that you have no other claims on your cash (home improvements etc)?
How secure is the employment of your spouse?
After paying half the mortgage, your household will be left with:
- €45k cash,
- a household with one earner, and
- a reduced mortgage payment of €842 per month (assuming you keep the mortgage term intact).
Whether €45k savings leftover after knocking €140k off the mortgage is reasonable will be informed by the answers to the above questions.
*(800,000 / 350,000)^(1/yrs to retirement)-1 = 3.83%