Money makeover - best use of cash

it is great that you both decided to pay off the mortgage. The break fee is very minor over the life of the mortgage, so go ahead and do it now.
Also good that you are maxing out the AVC, did you and your partner marry, it is so much easier to leave everything to your spouse if one of you died unexpectedly. Did you and he make wills? You are both accumulating wealth and it is good to have your affairs all in order.

You spoke about not working in the corporate world long term. Is you plan to build savings and investments to retire early or start a new business yourself?
@skrooge definitely thinking we'll do something like that. I mean not to charge interest but to have an arrangement as it benefits us both ultimately.

@Clamball - we do need to make wills as we're not married.

Overall, I'm just trying to weigh up If i was to put most eggs in just paying down the mortgage what about missing out on other investments (funds/ETF etc..) ? I know that's a "crystal ball" like but I do wonder about trying to get a higher return. It's just when you read about deemed disposable and the general complexity of declaring things like ETFs I do wonder is it worth it.

I do have other shares which are performing well but want to hold them for now.
@Clamball - I do wonder if the current trajectory/path is sustainable and while i'm doing thinking to retire early I might try to move to something less intense/corporate (which i'm thinking will be significantly lower paying)