Money in safe in house considered "house contents" or remainder of estate ?


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Someone passes away and has a will, leaving the house and contents to one person, and the remainder of the estate to someone else. If there is a sizeable but not huge ( about 500 euro ) amount of cash in a small safe in the house when the deceased passes away, which of the beneficiaries should expect it in due course ? I would have thought it would be the person who was left the remainder of the estate ( along with a savings a/c, current a/c, car , dog etc ) rather than the person who was left house + contents ? Its not mentioned specifically in the will who eventually gets the cash in the safe.

Thanks in advance for any replies, someone may have come across something like this before
The revenue affidavit has a separate entry for "cash in the House". I would put this into the general estate/residue. Costs come off the residue first before affecting specific bequests so the residuary legatee may not necessarily get that 500. Families generally use cash in the house towards funeral expenses.