Apologies all for delaying in coming back, I was waiting for meaningful update to share.
Following my discussion with branch experience champion, I got a letter from PTSB customer resolution centre in early January saying that the recall had been rejected and that there was nothing further they could do to help me. I subsequently rang the customer resolution centre and got speaking to a manager. I went through again what occurred, he informed me that the bank had followed procedure. I asked him was any reason provided why the recall was rejected, he said they did not have this information. I asked if he could ring the recipient bank and he said that this isnt procedure for a recall. ( He also mentioned that recall procedures were agreed between all the banks and again emphasised that they had followed this) However he said he would look into my case again.
2 weeks later I got a call back from him saying that the money would be returned and that I would receive a letter with more details. The money was subsequently returned and I received the letter 2 days afterwards. The letter basically said that the customer resolution manager and my branch manager had to go outside of normal procedures, but having done that they were happy to confirm the money would be returned. It referenced that they looked into the IT system and everything was in order for the transfer. (They also referenced that they took all customer complaints etc seriouslly and that these were regulary reviewed with senior management).
However I was not given any more details on how the money was recalled/returned etc.. A day later I got a call from another member of the customer resolution center to check if I had received the letter. I asked for some details such as why did the recipient A/C holder decide now to return after previously rejecting the recall, but she said she could not disclose this. I told her that yes I was happy that the money had been returned, but I was very unclear on the details of what had actually transpired. She asked if I wanted to speak to the manager again, to which I said yes. I am still waiting to get that callback.
So to everyone who helped and provided advice, a big thank you. It is certainly worthwhile persisting and following up ( even though it can feel like you are banging your head against a brick wall at times),
However as I referenced, I am not at all clear as to all the details of how the money got returned. I will wait a little while more to see if I get a call back & if I do hear anything further I will post again.