Moller Skycar M400, only £324,000 if they ever make one


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This yoke - [broken link removed] - has surfaced again and is now being touted by the inventor Dr Moller as the solution to the problems being experienced by the military forces currently occupying parts of Afghanistan.

The problems the foreign military in Afghanistan are experiencing appear to include :

  • an inability to shoot straight
  • difficulty differentiating between friend and foe
  • a surprising (to them) resentment by parts of the population to their presence
  • disagreement amongst the military leaders as to what the "troops on the ground" need
    • better food
    • more helicopters
    • transport that works
    • more page 3 girl tours
  • an inability to win the battle for "hearts and minds" by shooting people.
Dr Moller and his team will solve all these problems with the Skycar M400. In the meantime, one of the key jobs being advertised on the Moller site is for a CGI animator, presumably because pigs don't fly - [broken link removed]
Don't bother looking at buying one. Computer says NO.

"Moller International is currently not taking deposits on aircraft."