modem problem


Registered User
I get my broadband from Vodafone and am having a lot of trouble with poor quality reception in the evenings especially. The third light from the left is constantly flickering on the modem when this happens, if I switch it off and turn it back on after a few minutes it'll be ok for a short while and then it starts again. It's really annoying. I was onto vodafone about this a while ago and the guy suggested I needed a new splitter which I got but overall it hasn't made much difference. Has anyone any suggestions????
I had a similar problem a few weeks back, changed the splitter and the wire, made no difference, I ended ip changing the modem and that fixed the problem, must have been a dodgy modem even though it had only been used for a few months.

Can you get a spare modem from anywhere to try it out? Vodafone were not very helpful I have to say, I thought they should replace the modem but they wouldn't , so I would have had to buy a new one except I was able to dig out a spare one and that worked. It can depend on who you get in Vodafone tho when you call, sometimes on other things they have been very helpful
I had been having problems with Vodafone for the past few months with the line dropping a lot. I phoned Vodafone last Friday week and the fellow there told me I needed a new modem but he would switch channels for me and see how it would work. It was worse after that, dropping every half hour. I rang them again last Monday and this time got a female, she not only changed the channel again for me and told me how to change it myself to find out which one suited me best. And she also updated my modem. I do not know if it was changing the channel or updating the modem but I have not had a dropped line in over a week.