Mobiles in Mass


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I was at a Funeral Mass this morning and i heard Mobiles ringing twice, the first time not to bad as at the back of the church where i was but the second time it went of in the middle of the church just as the family where about to take the coffin out of the church. All it takes is a second to turn it of as you enter the church doors.
I was at a removal service a few years ago and a prominent politician (a very loud ex Finance Minister) was talking and laughing at the top of his voice whilst queuing to sympathise with the family. A lot more intrusive/disrespectful than the Nokia Tune at full volume ?
At a recent friends funeral a phone went off about 4 rows from the front. I thought it disrespectful but maybe some people are overwrought with grief and neglect to remember their mobiles?

Funny Story: A friends father was being taken out of funeral home and a mobile went off to the tune of the exorcist.
Was at a funeral a couple of years ago and just as the priest finished saying "and now it's time for Mona to begin her final journey", someone's phone went off to the tune of the "Hat Dance". For those who don't know it, let's just say it's not exactly downbeat.

Good job it wasn't a couple of minutes later, though. The guy whose phoe it was was carrying the coffin and he wouldn't have been able to turn it off as quickly as he did.

I agree there's a distinction to be drawn between someone who's forgotten to turn their mobile off (but does so immediately it starts ringing) and someone who feels the need to take the call and carry on regardless. This is as ignorant in company as it is in a church, IMHO.
I remember a couple of years ago on Christmas morning , a mobile went off near the front of the church towards the end of mass.
It kept ringing but no-one would answer it.
Eventually the parish priest put his hand in his pocket and owned up!
Some people were a bit miffed.
He then answered it and you could hear him saying ' Not now, I'm saying mass'
He hung up and turned to a group of children in the congregation and said quietly
'That was Santy'
Boy, did their faces light up.

I love it!
I suppose the parish priest may have to be on call in case he is required at the scene of an accident etc.... and likewise a doctor may need their mobile kept on but could have it on vibrate though.
I know its not a tenth as bad as answering a call at a funeral, but people who answer the phone in the cinema drive me crazy!! Some even have a full scale conversation about what film they're watching!
I find it very rude if someone continues to text away for the night while you are with them in a pub or restaurant. I also think people should have their phones on silent in restaurants and conversations on them should be kept quiet and brief.
What annoys me is the number of drivers who still persist in using their phones despite the recent law changes.
Some guy can straight at me last weekend not knowing he should have yielded - of course I honked and cursed him , but I still don't know if he saw me.
Driving a car into a church is a bit much alright!
but people who answer the phone in the cinema drive me crazy!! Some even have a full scale conversation about what film they're watching!
You really have to tell people that this is just not acceptable and get the cinema staff if necessary.
The legal eagles speaking loudly on their mobiles when travelling on the Luas are very annoying also, especially when they name drop constantly. Heard a story about one guy a while ago who was at this and the phone rang in the middle of his loud conversation
Whilst in a cinema a few years ago the mobile phone of a person several rows ahead of me went off during the feature. Although he started whispering I could still hear him repeat to the caller that he was in the cinema. After repeating this several times some guy behind him grabbed the phone out of his hand and shouted to the caller - "He is not in the cinema - he is in a fight!".
I have had my mobile go off at awkward moments, simply because I never ever think to turn it off (can hardly remember the pin actually) Maybe that is what we should be questioning- why can we (Ok I) not bear the thought of being uncontactable for a little while? Same reason I never close my email at work!
(If I'm not getting calls, texts or emails, of course I come here.)
I'm very surprised actually that the Bishops haven't instructed priests to take 10 seconds at the start of each mass to request all those present to turn off their phones.
I wonder did This post will be deleted if not edited immediately ask the apostles to turn away any messengers that might call for them during the last supper?
The legal eagle anecdote reminded me of a time some years back in London when mobiles were not as ubiquitous as they are today. On the way to work by bus a young city gent on his HUGE phone was buying and selling the world in a tone more at home on a trading room floor than public transport. Of course eyebrows were raised and some very rude hand signals were being exchanged behind his back by fellow passengers. Suddenly some old dear took a turn which looked like a minor heart attack prompting some guy to ask Gordon Gekko for his phone to call an ambulance.

The answer; "sorry my battery is dead".

Fortunately I had my phone and saved the day!!, well when I say I, I mean the guy behind me...