Mobile use in cars down after Garda crackdown ????

You mean like those journalists and more particular those papers that 'rely' for their scoops in the same said policemen.
Probably not - I'd go for one of other journalists - maybe Mick Clifford, or Gemma O'Doherty, or the or or - lots of options out there.
Ordinary people shouldn't have to snoop on the police. And the police should be so professional that what they do isn't called into question. Illegally parking and turning just makes a mockery of the law.

You're right - people shouldn't have to snoop. But if this stuff is happening regularly, then expose it, and stop it happening.
I always admire Rainydays stance on these issues. I am sure he would actually follow through on what he is advising if it was him in that position. (and no, I'm not being sarcastic )