Mobile stolen, calls made and no insurance.



Hello all,

My Vodafone Bill phone was stolen during the afternoon Thursday, it took me an hour to realise and in that time about 60 euro of calls to Algeria were made :(

I spoke to someone in Vodafone Customer Care and was told that without insurance I'm fully liable to pay for all calls made which I expected. Do you think there is any hope that they might cancel out these calls due to being with Vodafone / Eircell since 1999 without anything like this every happening before if I chase further? Currently in contract with Vodafone for another 10 months.

Thanks, Corkboy
It is well worth putting your case to them. They may agree with your request or even a partial discount.
Even if they don't agree to this you could at least console yourself with the fact that the total loss is a lot less in monetary terms than the insurance premia would have cost you in the intervening years.
Thanks for the replies, I'll send in a letter and see what they say. Will think about blocking international numbers as rarely use mobile for that. Has thought me a lesson about being more careful but I don't plan to ever get mobile insurance unless this sort of thing happened more regularly.
Corkboy said:
Has thought me a lesson about being more careful but I don't plan to ever get mobile insurance unless this sort of thing happened more regularly.
Did you have a PIN number to block the phone when powering up?
Carpenter said:
Even if they don't agree to this you could at least console yourself with the fact that the total loss is a lot less in monetary terms than the insurance premia would have cost you in the intervening years.

I wouldn't agree with that. there is a basic 60 euro already for the calls made, the replacement phone will be a full cost as opposed to network subsidised phone as its likely that the person is not due an upgrade. This means you are looking at 250-300 euro for the phone most probably.

Add to that the stress of this, the toing and froing and you are close to the cost of the insurance...
legend99 said:
the replacement phone will be a full cost as opposed to network subsidised phone as its likely that the person is not due an upgrade.

I do hope that no one goes out and pays full whack for a replacement phone as indicated above.

If you lose your phone, go out and buy a prepaid one on the same network. That'll be subsidised, and you can just get a replacement SIM card.

And if there's no value on your own network at the time, go elsewhere to buy one, and just get it unblocked - some companies do charge though to unblock phones.

Or another alternative I've done in the past. Lots of UK phone stores sell reconditioned phones. These are massively cut price. Handy if you happen to be over there.
I did have a PIN to block the phone when powering up. Vodafone did replace the SIM card free of charge even though that could of been 15 euro extra. I got a replacement mobile from a taxi driver I was talking to for free so overall not so bad. I think blocking the international calls might be the best option for me rather than taking out insurance in case this happens again. Thanks for the links and further advice.
you know what would be an instant cure to 90% of phones being nicked....phones having settings that would allow you to set it up so that you had to enter a PIN everytime you made certain types of calls. The phone should allow you at one end of the scale to set it up so that every single call/text requires a PIN to be entered, while at the other end no PIN is needed for anything. In the middle you could have it ak for PIN for all non netwrok calls.

I mean, with being able to freely use a phone you find, its like you found an ATM card that didn't need a PIN...
hi, if u do buy a prepaid phone u cant automaticly just put in a sim card even if it is the same network as the phone will be blocked to the sim it comes with and most of the time u have to spent about 100 euro on call credit before they will unblock it!!!
ladyluck said:
hi, if u do buy a prepaid phone u cant automaticly just put in a sim card even if it is the same network as the phone will be blocked to the sim it comes with and most of the time u have to spent about 100 euro on call credit before they will unblock it!!!

Not true, with Vodafone anyway.