mobile six months or so planning?


Registered User
hi all, we aer going to rennovate our cottage in the coming months. We will need to move out and into a mobile while we are doing the work. Will we need to get planning for this? Also we will need to connect to the ESB, our cottage is already connected and the mobile will be situated on our street, is there a whole lot of hassle getting connected? or is there any chance it might be straight forward
You should talk to your local planning officer.
It is generally accepted that temporary accommodation related to building works for which planning permission is required (i.e. buildng a new house) is allowed on the site during the construction works. The Planner should be amenable to allowing you to do this for your project, but you should ask.

In relation to the esb, im not surewhy you cannot just connect to the existing connection, since it is again a temporary use, but again you whould talk to ESB networks and your current provider about it.