Mobile Phones


Registered User
Anyone else out there that can live without a mobile. A very handy gadget but not essential. It was probably the best invention ever, for the phone companies anyway.

Some of my friends are totally addicted. They are constantly checking for missed text/calls. If they forgot the phone on a night out they get in a panic and must turn around/go back to get it.

God be with the time when you had time to yourself and did not get people’s history/life stories in public. I have even had this in the local library.

Anyway rand over….
PadraigL said:

Anyway rand over….

I think your will find the word in Rant, but you could have used predictive text on your mobile to fix that for you
ThomasJ said:
I think your will find the word in Rant, but you could have used predictive text on your mobile to fix that for you

This has to be one of the funniest back-firing smart-a*se comments on AAM in a while. Goes to show: predictive texting isn't a literacy cure-all

Re the mobile phone thing; on the whole, I think they are a good thing, although they can be invasive sometimes and I'd have to admit that it's a rare occasion that I turn mine completely off (as opposed to on silent/meeting which I do a lot).

Double back-firing:

Originally Posted by ThomasJ
I think your will find the word in Rant, but you could have used predictive text on your mobile to fix that for you

Maybe TJ is being ironic???
Double back-firing:

Originally Posted by ThomasJ
I think your will find the word in Rant, but you could have used predictive text on your mobile to fix that for you

Maybe TJ is being ironic???

I was... Well Spotted.. Glad to amuse !!!!
I don't own a mobile phone. Couldn't be ars3d. I seriously believe that people are stressed partly becuase of information overload. There is heavy marketing on radio/tv/internet.... news is available everywhere anytime.... we are bombarded with information.

With a mobile phone you are just extending this. You are allowing people to bombard you with useless texts, and yu get drawn into endless conversations that you don't really need.

Over time, I think all this builds up a background stress level in people.

So I don't have one.
Good for you PGD, I would agree. The Mrs. has an awful habit of replying to texts mid-conversation, it really is very unsocialble. If/when my employer ceases to exist my phone is gone and I have no intention of replacing it.....
stobear said:
Good for you PGD, I would agree. The Mrs. has an awful habit of replying to texts mid-conversation, it really is very unsocialble. If/when my employer ceases to exist my phone is gone and I have no intention of replacing it.....

And on that point, I would just like to add ---
sorry, hold on, my mobile is ringing...
I first got a mobile about a year ago. I don't want to be contactable 24/7, so I only turn it on twice a day to check for text messages and voice mail. If I want to send a text I use the network provider's web page. Works for me.
Many people seem to be disconnecting their landline and opting for mobile contact only! I detest them especially being used by children; Have their parents being living on Mars for the last few years with regard to health risks for children? These same parents won't let their children take normal life risks i.e. cycling to school, climbing trees etc. but microwaving their brains...Oh yes! thats fine 'cos everyone else is doing it so it must be alright. Oh and don't forget the burger, sweets and DVD when you're getting your mobile "top up".
Very funny ThomasJ, I liked that one.

I am so glad though, there are people out there who have similar views. I mean there are lots of occasions where they can be very useful, climbing, long hikes, the missus on her own in the car late at night etc.

But are we putting ourselves in a health dilemma. Will they be like, what passive smoke was 20 years ago, no one took any notice or had any idea about the consequences.

By the way there was an article in one of the papers today, about a girl‘s addiction to her mobile phone. Spends all her food money on buying credit.