Mobile phone bills through the door


Registered User
Just got off the phone with Meteor to request that they stop sending me bills (Am getting 20 pages through the door every month) and put me on to E-billing.

Was told they cant do this as they are legally obliged to send out bills. They can however send just a summary page which is some improvement as it is such a waste of paper.

However, was previously with Vodafone and O2 before that and both of them were able to do E-billing.

Surely its in a companies interest to get people onto e billing, especially if they request it. Such a waste of paper, never mind the cost associated with it (post, letter heads etc)

I know banks are legally obliged to send out one statement a year but I dont think the guy on the phone is correct saying that they are legally obliged to send their bills in the post.

Crazy waste imo
Typical of an Eircom company though. No wonder Eircom is on the brink of bankruptcy.