Mixed contributions and contributory pension


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My husband is working for a semi state and pays a D stamp. However by age 66 he will only have 30 years and his pension would be less than the current coap rate. He has a stamps from 1983 to1995 totalling 179. He may have a couple of years in the UK am awaiting record. He will be 66 in 2029. Trying to establish if he will be entitled to any state pension as well or should he try to buy back years. Would like to retire before then if possible.
For a pro rata (mixed class) pension he would need 260 full rate (A or S) paid Prsi contributions.
I don't know about the UK. If he is considering early retirement, he could make AVCs and when he retires set up an ARF. The ARF would allow him to make paid S class Prsi contributions up to age 66. This could bring him to the 260 fully paid requirement.
Also if he got part time employment and earned over 38 euro per week he could get paid A class Prsi contributions. 4 hours per week at minimum wage is all he would need to work.
Thanks for that could uk contributions be used for this?
Yes, your Class A PRSI in Ireland and Class 1 NICs in the UK would be aggregated for the purposes of determining his Irish SCP amount. Mind, I wonder would be be better off keeping the two state pensions separate and using voluntary contributions in the UK to boost his UK state pension?
Would probably only have 2 years in uk so not much
I was told some years back " You must have a minimum of 10 qualifying years on your NI record to qualify for any UK state pension."