missing bank draft


Registered User
my ssia matured there last week.

it was with boi. i'm with ptsb now.

i went down to transfer it to my ptsb account. guy in the bank said he'd do up a bank draft and post it to ptsb.

that was a week ago, and my branch doesn't have the bank draft.

boi not answering phones, i'll drop into em at lunch.

i'm asuming they just sent it to the wrong branch.

what's the worse case sinario here? can some unsrupulous banker/postal worker cash my bank draft?

surely they do this all the time....... or boi dude would have wired it or somthing.
It is not as easy to "Cancel" or "Stop" a Draft as a cheque. Go into the B/I asap. There was a time that a Draft was like cash but at least now they have to be lodged into the a/c of the payee. The B/I may start looking for you to sign an indemnity form or something like that. Perhaps they have not sent it out at all yet!