Missed mortgage payment


Registered User
I bought my house at xmas, and last month i made an error and withdrew to much money from my current account when the mortgage came to be taken by direct debit the account was slightly short so the direct debit didn't go through, i got a letter telling me this, and that they will take it on 1st april so thats fine. I plan to ring the bank and change the direct debit to the day after i get paid so this will never happen again.
i am wondering will this carelessness cost me as i want to look for a mortgage top up for an extension in the summer.
My salary is sufficent for a top up i'm just worried the bank will view my slip up as something else.
Depends on the bank to be honest and the tone of the letter they sent you. I doubt many banks will risk losing your business by classing you as a bad credit risk for one slip.
It will be noted on your ICB report, but one error on an otherwise perfect record shouldn't cause you trouble.