missed credit card payment by a couple of days


Registered User
Hi All,

I was away for most of Dec and enjoying myself most of Xmas and forgot to pay my credit card minimum payment on time (due 1/1/2008). I will pay it by cash tomorrow but i gather it could be a few days before it is acknowledged by them.

it is a first active credit card ............ are they likely to report such an incident to the ICB? or would they have a window whereby if you pay within a certain time it is ok?



If you have a good previous record with CC company you will have no trouble whatsoever. I am with MBNA and the same thing happened me a couple of times in the past. I was charged interest for failure to pay but after writing to them explaining what happened i.e away on hols, they credited my account with the amount charged. If they had not done this then I would have signed up with another CC company. MBNA gave me good service and that is why I am still with them ---it used to be called good customer service in the past. I would like to think it works both ways.
Same thing happened me a few months ago. I am with AIB Visa and when I contacted them and explained what had happened they too credited back the interest (I phoned them on getting my statment showing the interest)
I suggest you do likewise and they should credit the interest if you have a good record with them of paying on time. They'll want to hold onto your business not loose it to some other company
I seem to remember reading that MBNA only inform the ICB if you payment is 28 days (or something like that) late.....
The same thing happened me with Ulster bank where I missed the deadline because it took 3 days to transfer from one ulster bank a/c to the other - anyway when I rang them I found them very unhelpful so left them and am now with MBNA as well :)
Happened me too with AIB Visa. rang them on getting statement and interest was refunded without a quibble. I was impressed and am still with them.
thanks for all the replies - have a perfect record with all cc companies. Not too worried about interest (minimal) but rather about ICB. gut reaction is that i should be ok. thanks again