Miss D

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Haven't we been through this before?
It is a very unique case in that the child is in care of the state and apparently the child will die very soon after being born, but I can't see them being allowed to actually stop her from leaving the country? I expect the pro and anti abortion groups to have their media machine in full force very soon though.
The only case I can remember is the 14 year old that got pregnant out of abuse, there was a kick up there aswell.

Her situation must be bad enough if she's in the care of the state and now this.

Amazing the way these things happen around election time.
What surprises me is that the HSE is trying to stop her travelling. The Dept. of Health/HSE usually jumps at the chance to facilitate/fund abortion in the UK; as does the Dept. of Justice who grant special exemptions for asylum seekers to travel to the UK for abortions (asylum seekers leaving the state otherwise would be denied re-entry).
My understanding is that the girl is only 17 and not in the care of her parents. She is in the care of the state until 18. This means that if the HSE allow her to travel, then in years to come she could sue state. I think.
The girl was already in the care of the (HSE) - hence the difficulty.

If she was in the care of her parents or beyond the age of 18, she'd be free to travel like everyone else.

Then we could all carry on as if abortion doesn't exist.
My understanding is that the girl is only 17 and not in the care of her parents. She is in the care of the state until 18. This means that if the HSE allow her to travel, then in years to come she could sue state. I think.

The girl was already in the care of the (HSE) - hence the difficulty. .
Still strange. In the C case (when the girl and her family changed their mind and decided against an abortion) the Dept. of Health took the girl into care precisely so that agents of the State could accompany her to the UK for an Irish taxpayer funded abortion.

From what I can remember the girl involved in the C case was already in care as the family were receiving threats for reporting the rape and was not taken into care because so she could have an abortion. Also she did not change her mind. She actually said she would kill herself if she had the baby. Her Parents changed their minds (with alot of help from anti-abortion groups) and tried to stop her leaving the state.
Using phrases like Irish taxpayer funded abortion and accusing the HSE of actively encouraging people to have abortions in my opinion is shameful. To be honest, this is probably not the right place to be discussing such a tragic case
Using phrases like Irish taxpayer funded abortion and accusing the HSE of actively encouraging people to have abortions in my opinion is shameful. To be honest, this is probably not the right place to be discussing such a tragic case
I agree. This is not black and white and highly emotive language like that serves no constructive purpose.
From what I can remember the girl involved in the C case was already in care as the family were receiving threats for reporting the rape . .
She was subject to an interim care order which was due to expire but when the parents decided that their child would not to go through with an abortion steps were taken to ensure that she remained in the care of the State.
To be honest, this is probably not the right place to be discussing such a tragic case
Censor yourself if you will.
Using phrases like Irish taxpayer funded abortion and accusing the HSE of actively encouraging people to have abortions in my opinion is shameful.
My turn of phrase (that I didn't couch my post in diplomatic or woolly language) is hardly relevant; it is what it is, factual (if curt) but not shameful. Abortion is an ugly business whichever way you look at it.
Abortion is an ugly business whichever way you look at it.
I agree but it's also traumatic and emotive and leaves damaged people behind, whether you allow it or not. Like most things in life it is better to use logic and reason with a helping of compassion when applying ethical standards.
For the record I am against abortion but I realise there are hard cases when it is necessary. So while a ban serves the common good there should be enough room for the exceptional case to slip through. Our current system is not perfect and is hypocritical but we will never have a perfect answer to such a difficult question.
Abortion is an ugly business whichever way you look at it.

I don't think it is and I don't think that describing it in such terms is conducive to an impartial debate about it. In most European countries abortion is a choice freely taken by people.
I think people should have a choice IMHO.

I think people who suffer rape should be able to get an abortion in this country.

I think Miss D shouldn't have to go to court over this case. The unborn is not going to survive after it's birth. Surely it's unnecessary to put the girl and the baby through the horrors of birth. It's not easy on either the mother or the baby is it.
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