Misplaced Insurance Cert


Registered User
On Tuesday last I was involved in a minor collision in a car park with another car
(Both vehicles reversing and made contact)
The Gardaí were called and took the details, requesting us both to bring our insurance cert to our local garda station within 10 days.
My difficulty is that I can’t find my insurance cert ( we recently moved house and I work away from home all week, so my paperwork isn’t filed as well as it could be)
I was wondering is there any follow up from the garda if I don’t find the cert and fail to submit it?
What does the garda do after I had nominated my local station – does he contact them so that they will be expecting me with my cert?
I guess I could also contact my insurers and request a replacement cert.
Thanks for your help – I am generally a law abiding citizen, albeit a disorganized one!
Ring your insurance and get a replacement cert, they will check and you will be summonsed for failing to produce if you dont, if you cant produce it to them within 10 days contact the station and explain why and they may give you an extra day or so, 7 days gone now you would want to be getting organised about it!!
Thanks Mark,
I requested a replacement cert today from the insurers.
