Misleading online advertising for hotel


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Does the ASAI govern misleading online advertising for hotels ?

I recently had a very bad experience in a hotel in Ballina, where the services and standard of accommodation provided were completely at odds to what was advertised on the hotel website. I am positive that the photos on the hotel website were also not taken from that hotel at all.

Do I have any comeback from the Hotel apart from calling the main office of the hotel chain ? I got no joy from the manager on duty when I complained at the hotel.
The ASAI don't cover online advertising - basically a company can put whatever they want on their site, accurate or not.
The ASAI don't cover online advertising
Just for future reference, this isn't 100% correct. The [broken link removed]does not cover;

(o) website content, other than sales promotions and marketing communications in paid-for space;

So they do cover banner adverts etc, but not typical web page content. Anyway, the ASAI has no power - it is a self-appointed group of industry heads, not a regulator.

Put in a written complaint to the hotel, and consider Small Claims Court if no satisfactory response.
Interestingly enough I had an issue with my local credit union who also had misleading information on their website. I complained to the Financial Regulator who indicated that they were not regulating web sites but was something that they were looking into doing!!!.
Unfortunately most regulatory bodies (statutory or industry run) in Ireland seem to be more bark than bite. And sometimes not even bark. At least that's been my experience with ASAI, IFSRA, Comreg etc. The jury is still out with FSO at the moment while they process a complaint about EL I have in with them.
As an update, I complained to the hotel group and got a 30% rebate. I will be following up with a letter highlighting my concerns in writing (I am sure the manager threw away my comment card), and posting a full review on .

What did I learn from this ? Always check a site like TripAdvisor before booking an unkown hotel - if I had done, I would have found many reviews highlighting the same problems which I experienced.

I will mention ASAI and Small Claims Court in the letter, just to get them thinking. Don't think I'll take it any further though...

Thanks for advice and comments.
Hi I should have read your thread before posting mine. Do you mind me asking what hotel you stayed in? I have booked 3 nights in one in Ballina and have since read a lot of negative reviews. I'm worried now.
I've heard of hotels doing this alright. Using stock images on their websites, shame nothing can be done about it.


JR Ewing has recommended Tripadvisor and you should use this.

The hotel should not be named on Askaboutmoney

Misleading Advertising is covered under the new Consumer Protection Act, 2007 which the National Consumer Agency (NCA) has the enforcement powers.

If you discover something that may be misleading; facilities, prices and accommodation etc. please let the NCA know at www.consumerconnect.ie or email at ask@consumerconnect.ie or call 1890 432 432 and forward us the details.
