Mira shower issue - pull cord doesn't stop water flow


Registered User

My folks have a Mira sport shower which is about 7-8 years old which has developed a problem.

The only way of turning the water flow off from the shower is by turning the dial on the shower unit that controls the temp until it closes this valve.

This wasn't always the case.
Previously the flow could be turned off by pulling the pull cord mounted to the ceiling.

I think the problem could be a fail-close valve which has become stuck in an open position, or maybe there is a flow switch that is defective.

Anyway I had a quick look at the unit and was unable to see and valves/sensors.

Any advice would be appreciated.
The unit is not a pumped shower.
Hi. The pull cord is only to turn off the electrical supply. The water should always be turned off by turning a knob!!!
The pull cord should also stop the water flow.

I think the solenoid or the valve which it actuates may be faulty, will investigate further.
A lot of people leave the pull cord on all the time. This is madness. It should only be switched on when needed. Ideally, it should be on a timer. Some showers have a propensity to go on fire when they get old.