Minor Collision - Car Drove Off


Registered User
A friend had a minor collision this evening on the way home from work with an old car that had seen its fair share of tips. When my friend asked the offending driver to pull over she just said "i don't believe this" and sped off! The damage is slight (on a two year old car) but nonetheless very visible. She rang the local Garda station's general office number to report it and they said they'd call her back. Just wondering is it worth pursuing? Does anybody have any similar experiences?
Great advice given to me by my mechanic, keep a disposable camera in the event of the above, in the glove compartment, mobile camera phones could also be used depending on which one is most functional at the time. Of course there is the shock element, everyone reacts differently.
A....The damage is slight (on a two year old car) but nonetheless very visible. ....Just wondering is it worth pursuing?....

Yes because might be a significant cost to repair. The other person might not be insured or similar and the Guards need to check that out.
Yes. The guards have it now.

Well they're screwed then.
Once the Gardai get back to ya, you can go and get it repaired.
You won't pay, even if they're uninsured as there's a fund to cover this which we insured drivers pay towards as part of our premium.

Scumbag.....hope she get the book thrown at her !
No it covers damage to vehicle caused by uninsured drivers as well. I had to avail of this a few years ago.
Once the Gardai get back to ya, you can go and get it repaired.

I'd be following this up with a phone call to the Garda Station again in a couple of days. Don't depend on the duty officer to actually assign it to anybody as a priority.
No it covers damage to vehicle caused by uninsured drivers as well. I had to avail of this a few years ago.
That's good to know because I always thought that it only covered injuries to third parties. She has called her insurance company to let them know and is waiting to hear back from them.

I'd be following this up with a phone call to the Garda Station again in a couple of days. Don't depend on the duty officer to actually assign it to anybody as a priority.
Yeah - agreed. She went down and made a complaint in person.

Thanks for the replies everybody.
That's good to know because I always thought that it only covered injuries to third parties.

According to the [broken link removed] website, damage to property is covered but the injured party has to pay the first €440 or €220 if the vehicle was stolen. I didn't search but I'm sure this has been covered on AAM before.
The only problem from what I have heard is the delay in paying. Know of case that went 2 1/2 years and caused the person in question a lot of problems with regards to financing etc. :(
A while back someone drove into the back of my car, A 03 small car i had just bought that was spotless. I got out of car aand saw that there was hardly any damage done. However I did ask the other person involved to stay put as I have heard so many horror stories about these things I wanted to ring my brother to see what I should do. Subsequently the other driver took off at speed but I did get her number plate. When I got a mechanic friend to look at the car he said there was loads of damage done underneath the car and would cost in the region of 3k to fix it with all new parts. I might get it done for 2k but it would be with second hand bits and someone fixing it as a nixer!! I was p***** off as the car was spotless prior to this. I got the other persons license plate thankfully. Point is damage might be greater than it seems so always best to get details.. And never take anyones word for granted! Call the law!
keep pushing the gaurds on this..I would hate to think she might get away with it. wonder was she over the limit
My sympathies too. Of course you should pursue it - it's simply unfair that the driver should behave in that way and get away with it.

Post again and let us know what happens...
Dont let her away with it .At the very least she should have had the manners to see if everything was ok.
Something similar happened to a friend of mine 5 years ago. The rear of her car was badlly damaged due to being rear-ended. The offender drove off but she got the registration and reported it to the Gardai, who got in contact with the driver of the other car. He actually had no damage to his car and claimed that he was never anywhere near the scene. However my friend was adamant that it was the same car and apparently got some guy in who found minute traces of paint in her car which matched exactly that of the other car. I never heard what happened to him but I hope he got done over by the law big time.

Just to clarify the issue of the MIBI, they will always pay out where there is an injury involved by an uninsured or untraced driver. However if the driver is untraced they will not pay out for damage to your car. If the other car is traced and is uninsured they will pay out.