Minimum Notice Period from Employee ?


Registered User
I am in my current job around 5 months. It is a "permanent" position, but I haven't seen anything in writing. (i.e. no written contract). I know I'm legally entitled to this, but I haven't rocked the boat.

I've been approached to take another position. My question is, what is the minimum notice I need to give ? I belive that if the employer wants to get rid of me they just need to give me 1 weeks notice. Given that I haven't signed any contract with an extended notice period, is one week sufficient from my end ?

Thoughts appreciated,
I recently left my job having spent 6 years with the company. The legal statutory notice for employment of less than one year is 2 weeks. Hope this helps.
Hi there .

Under the Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Act 1973 the statutory notice periods are:

Employer to Employee
13 weeks to 2 years service = 1 weeks notice
2 years - 5 years = 2 weeks
5 years - 10 years = 4 weeks
10 years - 15 years = 6 weeks
15+ years = 8 weeks

Employee to Employer:
1 weeks ( no matter how much service)