Minimum membership period for full pension under the SPSPS?


Registered User
I note with previous schemes a 40 year period was required to get a full pension. I'm trying to figure out an equivalent membership period to be eligibile for the full amount under the SPSPS?
You are right that there is no "full pension after 40 years" concept in the SPSPS. The systems works as follows. Every year you contribute to the SPSPS, you build up "referable amounts" towards your lump sum and annual pension based on your average pensionable remuneration in that year. The sum of the referable amounts at retirement give you the size of your lump sum and annual pension. The only limit on the number of years in which you can contribute to the scheme is that you have a mandatory retirement age (approximately 70). So, if you want to maximise your pension: (1) increase your pensionable salary (i.e., get promoted into higher grades) (2) work until closer to your mandatory retirement age.

There is an excellent thread below looking at the SPSPS in a little bit more detail if you are interested further: