minibus dealers


Registered User
I am looking for any recommendations on dealers who sell used minibuses in Dublin and surrounding areas.

Interesting story about this one:

It was a friend buying the minibus, seen one on an internet site from a dealer in Dublin 9.

We went there on a Friday evening and liked the bus even though the dealer spend half the time on the phone arguing with a mate of his that he didn't owe him E13.

He agreed with the dealer to come back on Monday with a mechanic to give the bus a look over and the dealer asked for a deposit to hold the bus.

E100 was exchanged after it was made very clear that if he did not buy the bus he would get the E100 back without any conditions.

He went there on the Monday and the car lot was empty with the landlord of the yard saying the guy disappeared on Sunday owing 3 months rent.

The guy is still living on the southside of Dublin, has the same mobile number and is still trying to sell his remaining cars but he is meeting people at pubs and filling stations.

The gardai don't want to do anything about it as it is not a criminal matter and the amount of money is too small to go down the legal route so the guy basically gets away with this deposit and probably a few more.

Happy ending: Friend got a better bus for less money.