Mini-rant for Monday morning - X-factor


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Can somebody please explain why all the hype around the x-factor, It was in all the papers last week and this weekend, apparently some girl who can sing got voted off!! (well it is a competition). Now, Gerry Ryan every morning has a load of eejits ringing in to give their criticism and loves of the show, they talk about the contestants like they personally know them giving it 'ah but sure she really deserves this'. I just don't get it at all - it's a bloody English singing competition and I stand to be corrected on this but I don't think the republic can even vote!. Even the brothers girlfriend texted me on Saturday night to ask me to check the teletext to see who got voted off! - Normally I can ignore the x-factor and other such crap programmes but this year for some reason it seems to be very high profile..............why??

Rant over sorry!
Couldn't agree more.... I've no idea about why there is such a fuss. I watched some of it last Sat night.....only 'cause I'd nothin' else on....yep some nice singers - some not as good....big deal move on.

All you have is Simeon Cowell havin' a go off what's-his-face-ex-boyzone-manager & vica versa. Then in between the singing you have all the drama & tears and 'everyone getting so emotional'......jeeze gimme a break will ya. It's a signing contest
I agree it's all very trashy, histrionic and silly but I admit that I find it strangely compelling too. :eek:

With respect to all the tears, in fairness, if you win or even come runner up, you are pretty much guaranteed a few months - if not a year - of having a reasonable profile and success. If it's what your heart is set on, it's there for you on a plate without having to play crappy clubs etc.

Many previous competitors have done very well out of the show. Can't say I like any of their music myself but there you go - plenty obviously do.
Caveat! Your rant reminds me of this old rhyme ....... [FONT=Courier,sans-serif]"You are old, father William," the young man said,
"And your hair has become very white;
And yet you incessantly stand on your head --
Do you think, at your age, it is right?
Also forgot to add to my rant the fact that there is now an x-factor christmas song on the radio every bloody ten minutes - a re-hash of a Mariah Carey Song - This post will be deleted if not edited immediately as if it wasn't bad enough the first time around! :(
I havent been religiously following it, but have dipped in and out.
Think its strange they let someone continue who couldnt perform one week. Betcha the girl who got voted off that week couldnt help but think 'if only id stayed home sick id still be in it.......'.
If you cant compete you should be booted off.

Am also very surprised that they let 2 great singers (the guy who done the acoustic version of Billie Jean and the girl who went the week before last) go over other 'less' great singers (the older guy who went on saturday just gone and the black girl who was out of tune the week before last).
AND did anyone cop that one girl said she was going to sing One Love by Mary J Blige??? She obviously hadnt heard of a lil old band called U2 and a song called One!!! That peeeed me off a bit...if you're going to sing a song, at least research it a little!
Got dragged into watching X-factor by Mrs. V. but must admit that I'm hooked now. That said, I wish they'd shorten the thing to an hour in total and the results to ten minutes. Waaaay too much padding.

Like any public-voting show, those who have the biggest support networks stand a better chance of winning. I assume that the young guy Eoghan, for all his adorability and awww-factor is still in it largely because all of Northern Ireland are voting for him.

Someone from a city with a sense of identity is likely to do better than someone from somewhere with very little, like London.

It's not just talent that gets you through.
I think all the media coverage is great even though I hate the show! At least it take up some space in the papers that might otherwise have been filled 'recession this' and 'credit crunch' that. There will be plenty more coverage of 'I'm a non-entity, get me out of here' for the next few weeks as well!!
I think all the media coverage is great even though I hate the show! At least it take up some space in the papers that might otherwise have been filled 'recession this' and 'credit crunch' that. There will be plenty more coverage of 'I'm a non-entity, get me out of here' for the next few weeks as well!!

I don't mind the show being on and having a large fan base I just personally think it gets waaaay to much coverage and like I said, I cannot understand these 30-40 year old people ringing up Gerry Ryan because they think it's unfair that some girl got voted off, then going on to speak about the contestants as if they personally know them - seriously come on!!! - it's a crap singing competition which follows the same format year after year after year and is only aimed at getting one of them to have a Christmas No 1 single. If it was for charity etc then I wouldn't mind too much - but to make it even worse again there is the xtra factor which my sister informed me is a similar show on immediately after/before the x-factor, so basically Saturday night is x-factor night. I could even take that except for the fact that Monday morning people in Ireland are whinging on the radio about the results of bloody x-factor. It seems to me that this is a big fix - and If I remember correctly last year, wasn't Leona Lewis already picked to win the x-factor before the live final! :rolleyes:

Give me the credit crunch anyday!
Can somebody please explain why all the hype around the x-factor, It was in all the papers last week and this weekend, apparently some girl who can sing got voted off!! (well it is a competition). Now, Gerry Ryan every morning has a load of eejits ringing in to give their criticism and loves of the show, they talk about the contestants like they personally know them giving it 'ah but sure she really deserves this'. I just don't get it at all

It is possible to avoid all of what you have cited.

I don't watch it, it wasn't all over the newspaper I buy and I don't listen to Gerry Ryan.

If those media outlets think that what their customers want, maybe you're listening to the wrong radio station, or buying the wrong newspaper ?
It is possible to avoid all of what you have cited.

I don't watch it, it wasn't all over the newspaper I buy and I don't listen to Gerry Ryan.

If those media outlets think that what their customers want, maybe you're listening to the wrong radio station, or buying the wrong newspaper ?

Well I do listen to G Ryan and I don't think I'll stop listening just to avoid talk about x-factor - my original post asked for somebody to explain the attraction with it and I guess I just wonder why people take it some much to heart!. And actually the voting thing last week where some girl was voted off who was good was spoken about in the house of commons - therefore It was mentioned in the papers last week because of that! -I just think with all the talk about Baby P last week in house of commons - the fact that somebody mentioned the x-factor was bloody ridiculous!. Anyway just felt like ranting about it today!!!
It would be allright if any of them were really any good. Or something different.

At this stage, the format is way too tired and it is the same old, same old. I think a lot of it relates to the fact that they can't even choose their own songs and we get the Mariah/Whitney/Christina (taking 20 notes to sing one word) that we have had before for breakfast/dinner and tea. The standard seems to get worse every year too.

A couple of weeks back, Will Young was on mentoring the contestants and then he got to sing his new song. He absolutely wiped the floor with the rest of the contestants from a singing point of view as well as personality and it was obvious why he won the original contest. (I know it was Popstars he won, but same thingy)

Since then, we have had Shane Ward, Leona, Leon Jackson, Girls Aloud all of which are capable singers (girls aloud debatable) but with Zero personality.
Steve Brookstein is actually doing very well at the minute. He is touring around the UK in the show "Our House", which is the musical/stage show based on the songs my madness. The show and Steve have actually received very good reviews.
Steve Brookstein is actually doing very well at the minute. He is touring around the UK in the show "Our House", which is the musical/stage show based on the songs my madness. The show and Steve have actually received very good reviews.

I can't agree that he's "doing very well". Apparently his second album sold 7,000 copies and his second single didn't even get to see the charts! Also he sang on a P&O ferry! :D
I can't agree that he's "doing very well". Apparently his second album sold 7,000 copies and his second single didn't even get to see the charts! Also he sang on a P&O ferry! :D

Had heard that was true about him singing on the P&O Ferry. That has to be rock bottom. However, he has been getting good reviews in the Our House, which is quite a successful show currently touring the UK. Steve appears to have got a "second chance", which may lead to more roles in on stage musicals. And fair play to him.

After the way Sharon Osbourne spoke to him , he deserves it. I thought he had quite a good soulful voice, really liked when he sang "dance with my father" and "your love keeps lifting me(higher and higher) by Jackie Wilson. Some of the current ones, whilst they hit the notes, might as well be reciting a shopping list. Leona Lewis in particular I cant fathom, comes across as being absolutely devoid of a personality.
Had heard that was true about him singing on the P&O Ferry. That has to be rock bottom. However, he has been getting good reviews in the Our House, which is quite a successful show currently touring the UK. Steve appears to have got a "second chance", which may lead to more roles in on stage musicals. And fair play to him.

After the way Sharon Osbourne spoke to him , he deserves it. I thought he had quite a good soulful voice, really liked when he sang "dance with my father" and "your love keeps lifting me(higher and higher) by Jackie Wilson. Some of the current ones, whilst they hit the notes, might as well be reciting a shopping list. Leona Lewis in particular I cant fathom, comes across as being absolutely devoid of a personality.

In fairness, I only caught bits of it for the first 2 years. I just read about the P&0 ferry and thought it was pretty cool! Personally I thought all the winners have been woeful up until Leona Lewis. I've heard her being compare to Mariah, Whitney etc (I wouldn't listen to either if they were the last singers on earth!) but I actually think she's better. I thought the cover of Snow Patrol's " Run" was really good on Saturday.
I thought the cover of Snow Patrol's " Run" was really good on Saturday.

Aaargh no. I heard that and was throwing things at the telly. She's taken a beautiful song, one of the best Irish songs to have been written in years, and has turned it into more of the same mass-produced musak that offends my ears on radio daily. :eek: