Mini MPV


Registered User
I am looking for a used family car with option of 7 seats although not a large MPV but with option of using 2 seats as boot space when not required. Can anybody give me the models that I should be looking for.

I can spend in range of 10 grand but would like something not older than 2003. Preferably 1.6 L or less.

Sorry to put such a specific query as I have very limited knowledge of cars.

An Opel Zafira is probably your best bet; do a search on the and you'll see about forty of them matching that spec/price.
I had an opel zafira 1.6L (7 seater) and was glad to get rid of it because it used so much petrol maybe it was just a bad car but check out fuel consumption before buying.
An Opel Zafira is probably your best bet; do a search on the and you'll see about forty of them matching that spec/price.

I saw Top Gear take the mickey out of the Zafira. They claimed that the third row of seats are uncomfortable and difficult to get into position. I've never sat in one and I don't take every thing that Jeremy Clarkeson says as Gospel truth. It looks nice though.

I know a woman who drives a 5 seater Renault Scenic which is a wonderful car. The 7 seater version is like a minibus though.
From the above replies it seems I am better of looking for something other than Opel and Renault. Is there any other option for me.

I tried cbg and carzone but there is no option of specifying seats so its difficult to know whether a car has 7 seats or not.

here is a quick list of 7 seater car that still look like car

Mitsubishi Grandis
Ford S max
Madza 5
Citroen C5