Ming... the Opportunist & Roscommon Hospital


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Ming was spitting fire on the news yesterday... people will die....IMF/ EU, broken promises etc. Everyone bail up to Dublin for a Roscommon revolution outside the Dail. Sean O'Rourke had to ask Ming to pull back from the mike he was ranting so much. It would be comical if it wasn't so serious.

I don't know if the issue of Roscommon General Hospital "downgrading" is as serious as it's made out. There are conflicting reports and opinions on it. But what's obvious to me at least, is that Ming is an opportunist politician of the worst kind. The new Jackie Healy Ray can spot a vote- catcher a mile off. And the first victim of Ming and his ilk is truth and reason.

This endemic parochialism is the bane of good government and should be met face on,named, and seen for what it is. We'll get nowhere with the likes of rabble rousing Ming, that at least is obvious.
Ming the opportunist who says he gives up half his salary but I never recall him mentioning the leaders allowance all independent TDs get.
In fairness thats why he's there, thats why the people there voted him in. They never expected Ming to take a national view, ok he's now part of some loose looney left alliance, but even as a group they'll do nothing - given the government majority the opposition is all put pointless - apart from whatever media focus it can generate to put political pressure on the government.

So what is the point of him at all if not to go mental on behalf of his constituents.

Sure people voted for SF in the north for years to a) abstain in Westminster & b) be the political wing of a terrorist group - they knew what they were getting but the voted all the same. We cant choose to do-away with democracy when it throws up a few results we dont like.

Why not commend the FG guy who backed his party in the national interest OR why not attack the other FG that walked, shouldnt he have taken the national view??

Going after Ming is a bit politically naieve and pointless anyway since he has effectively no national voice.
He is indeed the worst kind of parish-pump gombeen politician. He's also a good representation of the people who voted for him.

I agree that the local FG TD who supported the national interest should be commended. His colleague is a disgrace and should be ashamed of himself.
I agree that the local FG TD who supported the national interest should be commended. His colleague is a disgrace and should be ashamed of himself.[/QUOTE]

So its ok to go around making promises in order to get yourself elected. And then as soon as you are elected you break that promise?

Denis Naughton had the decency to stand by his principles and vote against the government on an issue where he could not stand over the promise that he had made to the people of Roscommon.
I agree that the local FG TD who supported the national interest should be commended. His colleague is a disgrace and should be ashamed of himself.

So its ok to go around making promises in order to get yourself elected. And then as soon as you are elected you break that promise?

Denis Naughton had the decency to stand by his principles and vote against the government on an issue where he could not stand over the promise that he had made to the people of Roscommon.[/QUOTE]

The idiot shouldn't have made any such promise.He got himself into this mess, and from a national perspective, why should the country be sacrificed to parochial interests. What he should have done was resign.
The idiot shouldn't have made any such promise.He got himself into this mess, and from a national perspective, why should the country be sacrificed to parochial interests. What he should have done was resign.[/QUOTE]

'The idiot' as you so politely call him had a letter from James Reilly in all the local papers at election time, stating that services would be retained. So maybe the Minister for Health is the one who should resign.

Fine Gael knew thay were making promises they couldn't keep just to get elected. And it worked - 2 FG TD's elected in Roscommon. And we thought we were getting a new type of Government!
And we thought we were getting a new type of Government!
You did, you got one that (so far) doesn’t cave in to local pressure groups that seek to force the government to damage the national interest.

Denis Naughton should have the intellect to realise that he is a national legislator and that a strategic national healthcare plan is in fact in the interest of the people of Roscommon. He should then have the courage to act accordingly. Unfortunately he falls well short of the mark on both accounts.

It was the government who made the promise in the first place. James Reilly wrote an open letter to the people of Roscommon pre election telling them that FG would retain the servises at the Hospital. Why weren't FG telling us back in February that this was damaging to the national interest?
Denis Naughten has a right to withdraw his support for government (and therefore membership) whenever he wants. Ming is entitled to his opinion.

I'm not sure this is a cost cutting exercise for the greater good of the country.

After prime time the other night I have my doubts about the plan.

1) The government rowed back on a promise of no closures
2) They then proceed to put forward plans you can't trust them to follow through on.

Yes, I see the merits of efficiency, centres of excellence, etc - but based on past experience I can't see the HSE either living up to the proposed new service or even delivering cost savings.

I have no problem with their theories but I doubt their ability to successfully implement something thats better or even cheaper than what currently exists.
Why weren't FG telling us back in February that this was damaging to the national interest?

Because they were in opposition and trying to win an election that they coudln't lose and stupidly gave hostages to fortune all over the country.