Migrated from 1mbps UTV BB to 2mb, but no speed increase?


Registered User
I have UTV Clicksilver broadband.

I was on the 1mbps package at 21 euro per month. They reduced the prices in late 2006. The 1mb speed reduced to 16.50 euro, but I decided to migrate over to the 2mb speed for the new price of 21 euro.

Great, I thought, same price, but twice the download speed.

However, since the migration on 1st Dec, I have not noticed any increase in speeds. I have checked my linespeed using online tests, and they report just under 1mbps.

Has anybody else any experience of this?

And no, before you ask, I haven't spoken to UTV yet.
Have you checked your modem to see at what speed it is connecting at? It is very possible they forgot to increase your speed. For general web browsing you will not notice much difference, but should when downloading large files.

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I agree fully with Towger re general web browsing and file dowload. You should also look at the contention ratio as 2Meg BB means max download speed of 2Meg. This dependent on contention ratio and limits of wiring in place in the loop - most loops will handle up 3Meg comfortably but depending on situation you may have a bottleneck somewhere- best check with UTV as you sugest yourself
Ring Utv. When I first signed up with Utv for 2 MB I was only connected for 1MB. Didn't notice at first because of changing from dial-up. When they were told this, they fixed it. You never get the full 2MB in my experience - the best is about 1.6MB. I'm on 3MB now and only get ~ 2.6MB regardless of time of day.
1/2/3Mbps is simply the theoretical throughput and you will never get that due to protocol overhead, contention, retries etc. c. 1.6Mbps on a nominally 2Mbps link would not be unusual.

If you are definitly not getting an increase in speed having supposedly switched from 1Mbps to 2Mbps then it may be that your router needs some reconfiguration to connect at the higher speed or they have not actually upgraded you. A colleague of mine signed up for 3Mbps having been on 2Mbps but in true UTV fashion they never told him that the upgrade did not work and he only found out when he lost his broadband altogether for a few weeks.
I have UTV Clicksilver broadband.

I was on the 1mbps package at 21 euro per month. They reduced the prices in late 2006. The 1mb speed reduced to 16.50 euro, but I decided to migrate over to the 2mb speed for the new price of 21 euro.

Great, I thought, same price, but twice the download speed.

However, since the migration on 1st Dec, I have not noticed any increase in speeds. I have checked my linespeed using online tests, and they report just under 1mbps.

Has anybody else any experience of this?

And no, before you ask, I haven't spoken to UTV yet.

Have you done a speed test? http://speedtest.ie/

i have a 2048/256K connection and on speed test i get 1848/218K that's about normal.

Also check your router sync-speed. when i upgraded with imagine my sync-speed was still set for the 1024/128K package and it took a while for thwem to fix the prob.
And if you need to contact UTV then ring them as logging a support query by email or via their website is pointless and they will never respond in my experience (many times). :(